The Years Pass Us By- Dedicated to my Sister
The years pass us by, and still we don't meet eye to eye
In the silent screaming resentments, the quiet pretending...the vagueness of words.
The shaming experience, the never feeling good enough or forgiven enough..
The Years pass us by, and we still don't meet eye to eye
Our frozen emotions...
Our frozen lives...
Our frigid frozen eyes....never connecting, a drifting in and out...then good byes.
The Years Pass us by...the truths the lies...the silence of Our demise
We live in disguise...
Somewhere we lost each other in life's battle cry
Removed and worlds apart, this may never heal, there is a death in the heart.
The regrets, the total disconnect, the lack of respect.
The Years Pass Us by and still frustration lingers inside
Time has no mercy for our internal collide
It goes on and on...until one day we both subside.
I hope time will be kind......and heal our lives.
The Years Pass Us by
The mistakes made
The words said
Misdeeds, things never correct..
I wish us both the best.
Life always has another test
Its how we rise to the quest...
The Years Pass Us by.....and we remain forever in this silent awful mess.
Photo: The Airport, Azarel
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When you write about everything being frozen, it gives a vivid image as well as a flood of emotion because you are writing this poem about someone who should be close to you. "It's how we rise to the quest" is a line that spoke to me because this line tells how we can only make a difference if we try our best.