
These years of torture
Were sure to dissipate.
The years to be left behind
Have crept back up.
Biting the victims flesh
Tearing it in pieces
And scattering shame on the page.
The wound is fresh
Where one can see the beaten heart
Slowly trying to beat with life.
Tears fill the eyes,
Fall upon the white cheek
And drip down onto the laminated pages
These pages so full of life
Which drained hers
Stare at her.
They mock her
And remind her
Of the times
She broke down
And refused to go on.
These pages were her life
Gladly it is in the past
Yet she cannot keep it there
The tortured heart
Yearns for the closure
That was never obtained
These pages mean nothing to her,
But these pages are her life.
The life she so hates.



I really enjoyed this poem, especially because the "yearbook" you write about could be taken literally or it could be symbolizing memories. Eventually, we all look back on things that have happened in our lives, and sometimes they can affect us in negative ways. Writing about those experiences in poetry is a great way to express ourselves. You might want to check out "tips for writing about memories" under the "tips for writing poetry" section under "resources" for even more ideas!

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