The toast is Italian at heart
Samoan on the skin
A musical note on the tongue
A laugh in his throat
Kind to a fault
Analyzing, Understanding, Comprehending
The gerbil is so small
The daughter of another
She says things nobody knows
Loved regardless
Silly rodent
Playful, Curious, Young
The cat is a duck
Brilliant feline mind
Chasing her tail with a grin
Only wants an ez-bake oven
Writes beautiful things
Intelligent, Sweet, Busy
The stamp is ready to approve
Not sure what color ink
Sitting on everything
A joke ready to drop
Accepts your problems
Listening, Administrating, Laughing.
The popcorn is a dancer
Pretending to be someone else
A story dripping from his fingers
Singing the song that’s stuck in your head
Making it too
Critical, Creative, Educated.
My friends are different
Not what they appear
This is the way that I love them
Maybe we’re not “traditional” friends
Distanced, Constant, Writers…