Writer's Block, Writer's Passion
The clock ticks past midnight
Text lines my pages
Black ink runs, smearing them
But I ignore it
Blue ink stains my hands
But I ignore it
Red ink falls like drops of blood to the floor
But I ignore it
The clock’s ticking reminds me it is past one
More pages are filled with scrawling text
Green ink, now is dripping
Violet ink is smearing
But I keep writing
I ignore the mess
Pages flip and rustle
The clocks ticks on its tireless path
My pen scratches away at the page
Some brave mice skitter across the floor
Hoping I have dropped more than ink
Finally, when the clock strikes the three o’clock hour
I stop
I set my pen to the side and walk to the window with my pages
I read and I smile
My book is finished
My heart was poured out into it
My emotions show clearly in it
Maybe now people will understand me
Understand who I am
I write
Not just for the readers
But for myself too
I want people to know who I am
So I write
I turn to my desk where the ink is still splattered
But I leave it
That’s part of me too