The world of reality
The world I knew, the world as a child.I held dearly, close to my heart.A world where everything was perfect, except myself.A world of beauty, a world of kindness.A world of peace, a world free of negativity.With a bright shining day, and a beautiful night.A world full of smiles, full of love.As the time passed, many warned.It's dangerous, it hurts.When theday came to the world, I've been hiding from what came with it.A world without joy, a world full of tears.Where kindness came with danger, where everyone was fake.A world full of pain, a world full of shards.A world of which is today, crashed into mine.As everything I held close, crashed and burned.I realized, it was all an illusion.As my small world broke under the pressure of reality, my heart broke from the pain.For I was connected to it, it was my soul.It was my life, but now.The tears consume.