The Wordsmith

Strokes of a paintbrush on canvas

Notes of an instrument echo off the walls

The feet of a dancer, leaping through the air

The hands of a delicate sculpter

Every artist has their own medium


And mine is words


With words, I can do anything

Make you laugh, make you cry,

Make you jump with joy, or crumble in despair


Words are powerful

And they are mine

I claim them


I am the wordsmith

I create and destroy universes

with the press of computer keys

or the scratches of a pencil


I have the power

to create a perfect love story

an action-packed adventure

a broken tragedy

a written hell


I have the power to be anyone

to defy every stereotype

to break every glass ceiling and steel prison imposed upon me

I can do anything I want to do

and be completely free


With an infinity of creativity

within the finite combinations of twenty-six letters

My infinity, my omnipotence

contained in the power of words



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