Words, Words, Words
Words Are a powerful thing. They lead nations; they found them. Or they can tear them down. They can let a lover down gently or they can bite and claw their way through their heart. They can send a prophetic sign from the heavens. or they can be meaningless chatter. They can sing of heroes of old for generations to come, or they can defame a man, putting him to shame. With one quick word, like a bullet from a gun, a shot can be fired, making everyone stand still to listen. Words can weave a spell around you, draw you in until you are so far into it's wonderful creation that you can cannot remember yourself. They fill us with wonder and show us a fantasy dream world. Or they can show our truths to be lies, even the ones we told ourselves. Words are both awe inspiring and yet so awful. They are the most awesome thing our little universe has to offer because they let us make it bigger, push its borders beyond the horizon to new lands and untouched places. They let us achieve godhood, if but for a short time.