
Thu, 06/14/2018 - 00:42 -- Kate.T

We run away,
Bit by bit,
Moment by moment,
A fragment in the past lost in the wind
Because we are too scared to stand up for ourselves and for others
Too tired to yell and scream and shout
So we let the injustices and sins of the world
Blur with white innocence
Creating a tantalizing evil that is far worse

Break my spirit,
Let me learn how to burn in the flames and melt my memories
In order to live right now, this moment
I must rebirth from the waters and fires melting the ice in my veins my blood my bones

Let me forget, 
Let me forgive
I am too weary to do anything but write
So I continue to write 
Speak in the silence the words that a buried in organs and beating pulses

That is my yell
That is my plea to the world
To listen, if only for a second
To read, to glance
To live

This poem is about: 
Our world


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