I transcribe these thoughts
From my head
In hopes of mental relief
So that I can go to bed.
But now that I’ve begun,
I cannot stop or slow down.
These words just keep pouring
And tumbling out.
All these secret words
I’ve kept hiding inside
Are straining to burst free
From their cage in my mind.
Hidden inside,
Locked away,
Kept in the dark,
These words I’m afraid to say.
But I know if kept buried,
They’ll eventually explode out
In all the wrong ways
From this confused mouth.
So I write them here,
Scribble them down,
Break the pen
And spill ink on the ground
As tears gather
And leak down my cheeks
And fall onto the page,
Blurring these words of the weak.
I crumble and collapse,
Falling to the floor;
Writing doesn’t seem
To help anymore
Because I just get angry
That the words I write
Aren’t nearly enough
And don’t come out right.
And what’s even the point
In writing at all
When no one reads these words
Or notices my downfall?
Words don’t mean a thing;
They never have,
They’re empty and generic,
But they’re all I have.
So read them or not,
It matters not to me,
This is just how
I put the demons to sleep.