The Word
She asked oh no do you do spoken word too, To which I answered did you really think that question through, Cos as far as i know, Spoken word is written on a page but performed for an audience, It relies on heavy use of rhythm, rhymes, word play, and sometimes silence, Now I thought I had established that oratory was my thing, And though you doubted me i showed you i could sing, Now despite my frame I am clearly a lover not a fighter, So i am dedicating myself to becoming a prolific writer, So why do you find it so hard to connect the dots, Words spoken or written are just and expression of my thoughts, Now don’t you dare call me a jack of all trades, Cos even though i am, it’s just a part of my many traits, See they say spoken word is writing meant to be read out loud, But a lot of times i do have my doubts, As to whether i am a true creative or merely a fool, Dabbling with word play and trying to be cool, Now I love stories, poems and monologues, Paint me a vivid picture of metaphorical catalogues, So I can project explosive volumes of words to the listener’s mind, At a rate that will keep them glued for fear of being left behind, I literally want to be my listeners’ motivation, Driving them insane with my poetic dispensation, Have them tuned to the dial of this spoken word station, Start a creative revolution across this Nation, Transposing vivid images, sounds, actions and other sensations, Creating what will become the future creative foundation, See I don’t want you to think of me as vain or rude, Please give me some latitude, I was made to understand its all about your attitude, See I wanna do slam poetry, standup comedy and possibly rap, But maybe what i really should do is cut the crap, And do what i do best, Communicate, Motivate and Inspire, Changing as many lives as i can before i expire, Trying to teach the young ones how to find their way, But then again what am i doing anyway, The key is repetition so here is my position, The key is repetition to ensure i fulfill my mission, Allow me to perform this great rendition, Of One of the greatest as he gave his petition, I have a dream, Lord that makes me wanna scream, The key is repetition so here is my petition,
See I wanna do slam poetry, standup comedy and possibly rap,But maybe what i really should do is cut the crap, And do what i do best, Communicate, Motivate and Inspire, Changing as many lives as i can before i expire, Trying to teach the young ones how to find their way, But then again what am i doing anyway