A Woman's Heart

There are deep catacombs,
Within a woman's heart.
Places where no man
Will ever see, nor begin to understand.
A woman is more than just a body.
A woman has a heart, a soul.
A woman sees the tenderness in life,
Her vision free from the toxins of control.
On the outside she may be silent,
But on the inside,
Se is a wildfire of emotions and opinions.
She speaks softly,
But bears deep feelings in her words.
A woman's soul cannot be trampled upon.
The internal goodness of a woman
Prevails in her actions.
Any woman can be anything she aspires, to be anything she dreams.
But if she dopes not display her true colors to the world,
She loses her sense of true identity.
With the emotion locked inside her heart,
She becomes a blank vessel.
Her heart and soul should be exposed
For everyone to know her nature.
A woman is an independent being
Not a tol for society to use and dispose of when unneeded.
A woman's heart is a deep abyss of mystery
And will never be understood.


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