Woman in My Dreams

In my sleep
a familiar dream
pops into my head:
I'm walking through the park
with my friends
and in my dream
all I see are couples
holding hands
skipping through the park
while singing an I Love You tune
Quite frankly I'm sick of it 
Well more like tired of it
I'm tired of waiting to do things 
couples do
and then I see her
She’s walking in the opposite direction
I can’t help but stare
The way she walks with confidence
The way her brown eyes call my name
The way her smile welcomes my presence
She’s the woman in my dreams
But that’s the problem
She only appears in my dreams 
When I wake up, the woman I saw clearly
slowly fades away
Now all I can do is hope
Hope that one day when I’m with my friends
I’ll see her walking in the opposite direction
and I’ll recognize her immediately
thanks to her confident walk
her beautiful, brown eyes
and her gorgeous, bright smile
I’ll introduce myself to her and
she’ll look at me with hearts in her eyes and say
“I’m sorry, have we met? 
You look familiar…”


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