Without Love I am Nothing
Without Love I am NOTHING!!!
My bible tells me that Love is kind, patient, unselfish, and hopeful
That it keeps no records of wrongs, never gives up and never loses faith
It is not just a feeling, an outburst or an emotion
It is portrayed in our actions and not just in our words
It is sacred, it is special, it is divine.
Without the Father’s Love we are like empty vessels
Which make noises but have no substance within
That look beautiful on the outside but are void on the inside
This empty vessel could embellish itself with jewels and diamonds
Yet the space and emptiness within is never filled until Love comes in.
How we do the Father’s will without having Love for his people?
How can you serve the least of society; the homeless, poor, and helpless without Love?
Our hearts need to be overflowing with love so as to have enough to pour out to all
For that is what we are all called to do
As showing Love is a Command, NOT a Choice
Love is a priceless gift
It can’t be bought or purchased whether on full price, credit or layaway
Making it worth so much more than everything here on earth
No amount of money, riches, property, silver or gold can take its place
No amount of titles, degrees, promotions and intellect can be compared to Love
None of the afore mentioned can ever take the place of Love in our hearts.
Love is all we need
It is the glue in every relationship, beginning with our relationship with Christ
With God’s Love we can accomplish anything we put our minds to
We can do all that we are called to do with joy
We can reach the multitudes, changes lives with a single act of Love
So beware that without Love, we are NOTHING For even if we do all sorts of good deeds,
They are worthless if done without Love
We might say, we don’t know where to start or how
No one to pattern ourselves to, no true example of Love
But that is no truth, for we have Jesus
The sacrifice he made for us on the cross of Calvary is a
True representation of God’s Love for US.
So Love wherever you are
Wherever you go, each day
In your actions, and in your words
In your thoughts and in your ways
Let everyone around you feel the love
Pouring out from your heart.