Wishing For a Miracle

It was a while ago when I heard bad news
My pop pop was spittin up black stuff and had 2 go 2 the emergency room soon
A few weeks go by and he had 2 get an operation
They said there's a chance he might die on the operating table
So I sat and prayed to the Lord
6 hours later they said he did real good
He was in pain and had strength to gain
So we came with ballons and cards to bring
A couple more weeks pass he was gonna get a real room
But he had a terrible night the day before at 12'o clock noon
So we called on Thanksgiving he had trouble talking
But he was laughing also saying "God have Mercy"
A day later we had 2 choices
He would get another surgery and only hear the angels voices
Or make him go through the same thing called suffering
We wish for a miracle while crying and hoping
This is how I know good things don't stay strong
Cuz my pop pop is bleeding internally and won't last long


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