Wish to see

God..once more I stand before you
Lost and looking for your love and grace to see me through
Tonight a woman who walks with you spoke to us
Mainly about friendships, but I took most of that into consideration that there are so many things that need to adjust
Because I am still not where I want or should be with you
I wrote to you telling you to have your way in my life, but I haven't given you the opportunity to
I am still trying to run my life because I am afraid to give it to you because I am still suffering and how would I know that my heart is secured with you
As I sit here on my bed writing, a song reminds me that you will never give me more than I can bear
But..I am still suffering what I have been bearing with for year after year
Once I cross the bridge of salvation, I will not want look back into the land of bondage and dark, but look for to the land of freedom and light
I am trying to walk towards your light but I'm walking in to shades of darkness and your light gets dimmer to me
For I am still blinded and cannot see
But one of the things that you create for our bodies to do is when we lost one of our senses, the other ones become stronger
So although I can't really see your light, I feel your arms wrapped about me and I hear the voices of angels telling me what a wondrous and gracious God you are
It is the sweetest sound that I will ever hear, I want to able to see what I feel and hear and to my eyes it will bring tears
Because your love and joy for me is the greatest achievement and we will bonded
And we will walk hand in hand always and forever


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