Are winners defined by prowess
In business or in sport
Or by intellectual power
Backed by academic report?
Is losing determined
By lack of financial wealth
In lieu of big-hearted happiness
Or optimum good health?
Why do moguls and titans
With no Faith take the leap
While penniless paupers
Leap for joy from their feet?
How come rich men's wives
Are miserable, children spoiled
While laborers are elated
Though clothes and hands are soiled?
Are winning and happiness one and the same
When the affluent are unhappy is money to blame?
Why are the poor who struggle hard to survive
Still able to know jubilation in their lives?
Their money's still here when the rich are long gone
Just like when they came they leave naked and alone
With wealth or in poverty life is borrowed time
Where prime dividends are the spiritual kind
Abundance is far too uncommon to be the standard
By which winning in life might be judged
Suggesting those without means or money
Were never in favor with God
The value of winning might be in dollars and cents
But the price of happiness is the lack of pretense
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