Winds of Love
Roses are red, violets are blue
But Morning Glory's are a perfect pair of the two
But this isn't a poem about flowers or plants
It's about me and you
I remember that day as if it were new
Funny how I didn't have a clue
How the winds of love surrounded my heart
And like a cyclone they fiercely blew
Weeked turned into months and closer we grew
Now as I look back I wish I knew
How the problems had increased in size
And I had bitten off more than I could chew
The winds that once used to coo
Softly blowing, doing what winds do
Suddenly became torrential blades
That split my heart in two
But though misery courses me through and through
I'm stuck to you, like gum to a shoe
And though my heart cries each passing day
We are forever friends, bound by glue
And so, you are the rose, kissed by dew
And I am the violet, silent and blue
We will never be a Morning Glory
And that is a fact, forever true