The Winds

The winds.........


They grow ever closer


Through the trees they blow

Through the bells they sing

Through the mountains they glide into the heavens


They grow ever closer to me


They play the earth like an orchestra of harmonius melody

They play the trees like a bass

They play the mountains like a flute

And the oceans, they play it as a voice


A voice calling to me, though I am every bit oblivious to its sound


They are impatient, they begin to speed up the melody's rhythm


It quickens its play of the trees, knocking them down entirely

The mountains can no longer play as a flute, their cliffs begin to crumble

The ocean's voice turns into torrent of a hurricane, nearing the shore before me


I begin to hear and see the wind's torrent as it comes upon us


The view of everything i knew, it convulses into destruction beneath its might

The wind's might


I feel lost,

the winds have left

but the longing in my heart

for everything i once knew

never ceases


The trees are broken

The bells do not ring

The mountains no longer sing


I can no longer hear the melody

The winds have died 

And my heart begins to crumble




I leave my heart

Back to where it all died

But the trees do begin to sprout once more

And my heart


It begins to hear the faint melody

My hope

Begins to call to me once more

And the Wind

Begins to play it once again

This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world


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