Why is this still hard
Today was a bad day
these days make me feel like my own body needs to pay
I know I should talk to someone
I know I'm not the only one
but its so fucking hard
Seeing my own mom play the "mental hospital card"
My body makes me cry
My life is beggining to feel like one big lie
Every meal makes me sick
There is no tool or trick
that can make this hurt less
Why am I such a mess
Why do I feel the need to punish myself
You're supposed to love yourself
I did all of the programs and all of the classes
this worked for the masses
Im supposed to be easy now
Im supposed to be normal,but this fragile body won't allow
Why do I feel like tearing my skin away from my bone
Why do I push everyone away until I am all alone
Why doesn't it work for me
What can I not see
Why do I hate my progress
Why do I still obsess
Why does weight gain feel suffocating
Shouldn't this feel better than fainting
The scars are fading
why do I crave to be aching
Why can't I just be okay
Why can't I find the right words to say
I knew this wasn't going to be easy
But why do I still feel so uneasy
Why doesn't it feel any better
I write letter after letter
explaining how this is destroying me
How its taking everything to just be me
Why can I never send them
Why does this feel like im trying to condemn
Why can't I just feel normal, just for a little while
Why do I just say I'm okay and smile