Why Now?

A peck will do, but such work to get that. Little or large, short or long, anything will do. Tickling and arousing around your neck, a pull on the cheeck will do. You giggle, you squirm, you pull away. Cover your face with your hood as you mask our faces. I nibble some more. You pull your face up, ever so slightly, do our eyes meet. Ohh darkness, why must you conceal those wonderous eyes? But rather, i should thank the dark for the dark hides our motives and feelings. The brightness surrounds us as we lay still. The others still quiet. Being single or not goes out the window. Our cheecks meet, side by side do my lips play with your neck some more. I feel the tenseness in your body, as I hold you close to me. Playful minds and bodies comming close. Her face scrapes by mine. Was that the glorious moment I was wishing for? The coldness congealing beyond the jacket, but the warmth of our bodies creates the veil that sepperates us from the rest. Never did I realize how much I tried, how much i played. If i had realize sooner it could have been much more, the full peck I wanted. The detrimental  phrase of "I've got a boyfriend" comes out. It phases me as the darkness holds me back, but the light is pulling her away. So slowly does her body start to move away, ascending above mine. I try to hold her done to stay, but thw darkness is not strong enough to withstand the light. May Hades curse that man for he does not deserve this beautiful woman. As the realization of having to leave come upon, I too ascend with the light.

She is too innocent.

Too daring.


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