Why Me?

It started, I was a kid.

The smell of the grass, and the smell of the pads;

The crude words yelled by dads.

It was lacrosse, just a game

But it’s where I made my name.


Right now, I’m still a kid.

Just different.


One fateful day, my life was changed

My anatomy, rearranged.

I fell on the field, my knees on the ground.

I heard nothing, no voice, no sound.

My ACL had tore,

No more chances to score.


So I ask myself;

Why me?


Because its life,

I fell victim to a surgical knife.

I was sewed like a shirt;

No more running in the dirt.

Looking back it’s not bad,

Look at the experiences I had.


At first I felt betrayed

But now, only amazed.


It changed me.

With a new knee,

And a new life,

I’m now prepared for any strife.

At first I was unfortunate,

But now, only lucky.


I ask myself once again,

Why me?


And the only answer I have is:

Because I was lucky.



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