Why me?

As I sit in this cage and look into your eyes

I am surrounded by my feces and all of these flies

You look at me without sympathy

As I yearn for some love and affection

My fur is all knotted and my nails over grown

My cage is too small and I think my chances have been blown

My chance to live a worth full life without pain and fear for my next fight

I didn't choose to be ripped apart from that other dog

And I didn't choose to sit in my own mess

When they gave me to you, I thought I would love it but boy was I wrong

Your loving attitude was all but an act

You should be the one sitting in a cage and that is a fact

You put me through so much pain 

And made me fight when I didn't want to 

Now I am being taken away from you 

Who knows what will come next

But I don't care because anything is better than this

I am sure you don't care but I am glad to be away from your abuse


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