Why I write poetry


Poetry A jumble of words  All put together  To create  Something meaningful    A literal  Alliteration   Dictation  Manifestation  Of contemplation  So that we can share  This moment       I write  Because   This is  My story     The perplexing   Conflicts of my heart and soul  The beauty  Of simplicity and peace  The chaos of brokenness  And the amazing experience of  Healing     I write because this ink  Comes from places  Beyond my world   My small understanding   And somehow   Creates analogies    Eulogies  Memories  Of stories    For voices    That have not been heard  Or may be deferred   Because of the barriers of   Oppression   We infringe upon   Our self  And we enforce  Upon each other     I write for the voice of my brother  Hungry alone scared afraid   Underpaid  Looking for work   Migrating for something better    My sister   The girl who thought no one would miss her   Hating her body  Starving herself day after day  Trying to achieve   This concept of perfection  Because she can't see   How beautiful she is  And how this   Is the truth      Justice   Recognizing the humanity of every person  Seeing the disconnection we have created with Mother Earth  And now   Working towards    Reconciliation  Love      Because this ink     Allows the world to hear  How Mother Earth is crying   Dying  Trying   So hard to give us everything   As we take and take  Continue to break   Our relationships  Finding reasons  For hatred   Moving so far away   In polarity   That we cannot even recognize  Humanity   Right in front of our face    Looking in the mirror  Seeing   Who?  We have become so lost  That it is hard to recognize our   Own reflection  So we continue the deflection   Of what is looking right at us  Trying to escape    From the reality of life   That just seems to utterly painful  To continue     We try so hard to find  Answers to our questions   At the bottom of bottles  In altering our consciousness     Trying to get lifted to a level of enlightenment     When the real     Answers     Are found     In words        But as I sit and write these words    I know     That I am not alone    There is someone out there    Struggling     To learn their identity    And how to find self acceptance    Because the distance of love and truth    Mind and heart     Seem so severed     How can there be    Unity     Any more?       But I write     Letting the ink flow upon the page    Creating     Cadences    And smilies   Imagery     And subtle jokes of that one time    Because     This is life   And we need to write it down    We need to listen   And remember    To hope     Because everyone has a story     Everyone has a voice     We just need to listen      6.21.13  


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