Why I Still Eat Ice Cream
Why I Still Eat Ice Cream
Never has one enamored me more than you, the one that hurts me
You enter me and fill me with your cold, sweet touch but you leave me
With the runs,
I run to you when I’m alone,
when I can’t find company,
when I’m raw,
And you join me,
sweating in my hands,
You beg to enter me, to fill me,
And i let you,
And everytime I regret it,
I ask why I let you,
Why I can’t stop burping so much,
You unearth a different side of me,
An instinctual, gluttonous, gassy side,
Every night your with me,
I say “This is the last time”,
A phrase I’ve repeated for years,
But every time I can I run back,
There are other versions of you,
Better, safer, easier, cleaner versions of you,
But the thrill of you draws me right back in,
That sweet frosty touch on my tongue,
Makes me forget every hour on the toilet because of you,
Every uncontrollable poot,
Every airy, sickening belch,
Never has one enamored me more than you, the one that hurts me