Why I Love You
Something about you makes you different
but words nor actions can come up with the complete concept
the complete word to describe your uniqueness
when i first layed eyes upon you
there was a trigger
and from that very moment i knew that one day i will encounter life with you
with the things i experienced with you
i havent experienced with another
and i dont want to either
you really are my true happiness and i cant picture living a day without you
you made me into a new person
a better one
and i leave behind a more decreased version of me
even though we argue, we fight, and call eachother out our names
i know one thing
our relationship has hope
we are strong
we are powerful
and i know that even if we broken and another has tried to become in between
we are hard to seperate
you are my soul
my hearts desire
and living without you is like living without a heart
and that is why i love you.