To whom it may concern, I have a letter for you.
You, whoever you are.
You have come so far, and with such grace.
I know, it’s hard, I fucking know.
But you have come this far, though the path wasn’t clear. You have made it here, though there was no path. You have scaled this mountain, and I am right here with you. Now let’s take this show to the top.
I type this free-write to you, here at OneNeck. I’m sitting at the security desk typing this letter to you.
I am 19
I have no idea what I’m doing
I don’t have a plan
But God, am I motivated.
Good God am I determined.
There is something inside of me, and it’s driving me.
I hope that the day you read this, you’ll have already accomplished what you wanted to do. In case you haven’t made it there yet, in case you are stuck, hopeless, trapped, broken, alone…
I love you.
I love who you are.
And here I am to remind you who you are, in case you forget and don’t remember anymore.
Cause sometimes, we lose ourselves along the way.