Who We Are, Not What
This is what Autism looks like:
A pretty girl with gap teeth and long brown hair
Yelling to herself in different voices
(Reciting memories, we think) --
A lively man who paces and moves his whole frame
Wildly, with twisting hands and intense eyes
Examining his complex world --
A young woman sitting in the corner,
Rocking and staring, pressing buttons to ask
For what she wants ("Potato chips, please,").
This is what Autism looks like:
Grabbing tissues, or paper, or tissue paper
To slap between hands again and again,
Dropping the torn remains --
Drawing all the time, pencil never out of hand,
And headphones on, immersed in art
To get away from it all --
Sitting silent, all alone, playing games
Or thinking; winning chess and
Sweeping black locks out of eyes.
This is what my Autism looks like:
Thinking, but never doing, always lonely,
Wondering, as my eyes are hoary blue,
Wondering, "How on earth does this work?"