Who is in Control
Theories, religions strong and able.
Flesh and blood sit around table.
Pray, eat and go to bed.
Pray once more before resting head.
While doing so, one apologizes for lack of responsibility,
Leading to a sense of tranquility,
Tranquility umbrellaed by the failures of your thought.
But you forget them because god says you ought.
He forgives for the pains you brought,
And caused,
Forgiving without pause.
Gone, away failures went.
Flesh believes, due to money spent.
Spent, gave, and donated to The Church.
The Church that firmly stands, just as birch.
The Church that controls one and all.
The one that’s based on theory, belief and that will never fall.
Based off of fictional stories, and supported by few but edited by many.
Forgiving murders, kidnappers, you, I and any.
For the consequences of church are non-existent.
Accepting all is very consistent.
Sending you to hell if you fail,
If you fail, you are redeemed if you hail.
Hail Hitler, and hail The Church.
If you don’t want to lurch.
But if you hail, you can run,
And ultimately have some fun.
You can also do as you please as you live your life.
So remember that killing, rebelling and breaking laws is alright, for god rules all with a scythe.
He will protect those who praise,
From those who skip church on Sundays.
He is in heaven, but he is here,
Because his followers believe he is near.
For he is in their hearts and in their minds.
Minds conforming, trying to be kind.
Trying to reflect on self.
As a person, beliefs and amount of wealth.
Lost souls looking for acceptance and hope.
Turn to church, or dragged in with rope.
Follower you become.
As though sworn in by blood, prick of thumb.
For you have given him your soul for entirety.
Expected to show purity.
Purity, of flesh isn’t a possibility.
“I failed,” you say, “Forgive me,” and he will.
“I am perfect, and I am pure.” You say and to hell you go, sending chill.
This expectation causes the most severe consequence, causing one to dwell.
Ring a bell?
What is your recollection?
Of being ruled by an entity unseen.
Believe in and strengthened only by human being.