Who cares ... really?
Ecclesiastes 7:9-10
9 Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry,
For anger rests in the bosom of fools.
10 Do not say,
“Why were the former days better than these?”
For you do not inquire wisely concerning this.
Who cares? Don’t despair as some still do …
Finally, we’ve made it … we’re not where we should be
By now we don’t know the difference and who really cares?
There’s nothing new under the sun and what was will surely be
Makes me think of the “Black Plague” that swept Western sphere
Darkness overcame common sense … where good reasoning flourished
Spiritually the Son seems gone from the average western heart-set
It started somewhere years ago when prosperity simply nourished
The flesh in general to serve the gods of comfort and the one called “Molech”
(god of the Amorites who demanded child sacrifice(like abortion?)
Celebrating our condition with the immune system destroyed
Every wind of doctrine flushes even the call of common sense
From the Mid-East and the Far, their religions now deployed
Overwhelm the Western mind as it more and more gets dense
Observing Western Europe and its newfound satellites
In love with political correctness as a new call to perfection
The plague now keeps spreading with an unending appetite
We want to be united in the soon arrival of condemnation
The U.S. of A is committing itself with the rest of the world
United we will stand and fall … against “reborn” Israel
We finally drew the battle lines as our leaders regularly insult
The Lord and His chosen towards the ringing of the final bell
Isn’t today’s reasoning an eye-opening flagrant oxy-moron?
Trying to appear like the source of “Light” seems an understatement
Daring folks in the land to disagree as liberalism just pours on
Their defiled “will” with unending guile to our Nation’s detriment
Jan Wienen