Who Are You?
Who are you? Are we the same
just split between two spirits–
lonely and tortured souls?
You make me feel safe inside
and that notion makes me shudder.
You say you can’t be there for me,
but you’ve already come to my side.
Yet when I sit with you, we’re not together.
What is this silence that’s grown between us
from naught? How can an absence burn
when nothing existed there before?
You are an enigma. A portraiture of life.
I don’t know you, but I can feel you.
I cannot love you, and so I do anyway.
Who are you? What are you?
Is it possible that you exist?
A dream–you are a dream.
I cannot touch you, but I feel you’re there.
I cannot see you but I know you are there.
But you can’t be a dream.
We forget dreams when we wake.
A nightmare–you’re my nightmare.
There’s no other way for you to haunt me.
Yet I know you’re not, you can’t be.
I see your eyes–they are heavenly blue.
They pierce my soul and shield your own.
I am defenseless against their dark gaze
and won’t forget the tears I never saw–
they fall inside my mind and burn my soul.
You laugh–you smile–it’s all a lie–a façade.
But please, take my hand and lie a little more.
Just answer this question: who are you?
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simply amazing
the thoughts and feelings showed behind this piece
great job-keep writing my brother
Rosemary Lazum
It is important that everyone should know who we are in life,and value all aspects of our of lives.
i feel the emotion and pain entirely. i love the feeling of this poem. your words really captivate me. well done.
I don't know how to share my soul or begin to understand my own contradictions, but I fear I've hurt those who thought the mask I wore was real. I leave them as easy as they trust me. I am a cruel apparition.
Anyway, those were the thoughts that came to me as I read your poem. It was very gritty. I liked it.
This was beautiful and understood. I appreciated this in my dark times. You are an amazing writer, poet. :)
Great words I can tell this sets a great mood for the way you write good poem