The Whispered Tale of Locked Doors

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 18:57 -- smaew


United States
42° 44' 38.7816" N, 78° 38' 3.12" W

To her,
her wrists
draining the hate into a pool of crimson despair
To him,
his bottle
numbing the sorrow until the branding iron is lukewarm
To her,
her waist
measuring the hunger in inches around
To him,
his poison
exhaling the pain in clouds of ignorant white against a pure indigo sky
To her,
his fist
blossoming violet bruises on a pale white canvas

The remnants of a subtle plea sink through the floorboards,
only to be buried in the cold, firm earth below



This poem covers various feelings that textbooks simply cannot capture. It is about depression, physical abuse, alcoholism, body image, and other negative coping techniques. The idea behind it is that these potentially fatal actions are kept hidden. They only occur behind closed doors where the only witness is the locked door. And for that reason, all of these non-verbal cries for help and assistance are unheard. These are the feelings no one dares to share, except now.

Grant-Grey Porter Hawk Guda

Powerful expression! 

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