NO, it is NOT good to suffer... 

When one is wee one young...

For that can scar a person unto death...

And make one not wish to breathe their very next breath.

But it IS good to suffer...

When one is “coming of age” young... 

Youthful resilience not yet wholly undone.

To do the emotional recovery work...

That makes you whole in your soul...

Should be, from the onset, the overarching goal.

And yet, there are those who avoid it at any cost...

Until they find themselves much too far afield...

If not utterly lost.

So very lost & so very old...

Alone & left out in the cold.

Resulting in life making them bitter vs. better...

Enslaved by the former...

Sorely wishing it were the latter.

Realizing it's too much, too little, too late...

With little to zero tolerance... 

For what they still have yet to face...

For what they still have yet to countenance & embrace.

So set in their ways as well... 

And so much more in need of grace.

But YES, it IS good to suffer...

When one is“coming of age” young...

Youthful resilience not yet undone.









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