Where is the Unity in the Home of the Brave?
I walk into the coffee shop like I usually do
As I ask for the usual tea and croissant
I see in the corner the conflict of red and blue.
Their voices start to raise as they listen to respond
Instead of to understand; strife surrounds the two.
I get up to leave shaking my head in sorrow,
I just don’t understand how this is productive.
Walking down the street I see signs that say tomorrow
We will all be in despair if either one is elected.
Two people on the street standing opposite each other
Scream “racist” “homophobe” and “extremist”
Not ever truly seeing one another.
How do insults solve the problem?
How can you say you’re accepting, I just have to wonder,
When you can’t accept that I don’t share your view?
Why is she a thief, when she just wants to help the kids with no mother.
Why do we view people as just their sexuality and skin?
Why am I insulted for voting my conscience?
Yet I also find myself judging them when marching begins.
The problem is that we’ve forgotten how we should be treated
So we don’t treat others how they should’ve been.
Someone needs to break the cycle of hate
No matter what the cost may be,
We need to work together, we can no longer wait.
Once one brave soul speaks up in tears
Soon others will follow, and set things straight.
When the divide is over, the nation no longer depraved,
Then “the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”