Where The Memory Meets The Dark
The sky stained dark
The ground bulky and black
The place where all regrets hit their mark
Where the memory meets the dark
It’s a place you never want to see
So you hide it away
But in your darkest hour
When no one will hear what you have to say
You find yourself heading there
“I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I should have done this.”
“I shouldn’t have said this.”
“I should have said that.”
It is written everywhere
The hill of regrets
A long hard hill
Yet you want to climb
Until you’ve had your fill
Wallowing in self guilt
You allow your self to grow weary
You reach the top
And you feel quite teary
“I’m a horrible person.”
“No one can love me.”
“I deserve to die.”
“I am worth nothing.”
That is all you can think
That’s the thing about it
The awful hill called Regret
Once you’ve made your climb
You can’t leave it as of yet
Forced in one direction
You must travel the next one
The hill called Sorrow
Which has killed man by the ton
Once at the top one thing is to be found
A burning sword standing alone
Upon walking closer
Your whole life is shown
It burns your heart
It pierces your very being
Like fire, hell fire,
It reduces what you are seeing
Many a man has stopped here
Given up to this feeling called sorrow
Yet if they’d only look up, they’d see
They’d see there is hope for the marrow
For tis not only a sword
But a cross, not for us
But for the one who loved us enough to die
For the son of man who for us made a fuss
He died to take our regrets
He died to take our sorrow
He died to show the better way
To show us a better tomorrow
For if you would follow the cross
Standing tall and pointing
You’d see the beautiful sky
Painted with the colors of dawn, not disappointing
You’d see all that he worked to make for us
To show us his love
You’d see that he really did care enough
To send his son from above
And thus it is no longer a place of tears
No longer a place of fears
For God came and took them
No longer is it the place where memories reach the dark
But where we reach the love of our Father