Where I'm From


United States
34° 9' 39.42" N, 91° 53' 25.3968" W

I am from Monopoly and four dogs that make my day
I'm from the smell of matches in July and grandma's pancakes
I'm from Saturday morning oatmeal and daddy in his robe
"I'll never leave, I promise" to "He isn't coming home"
I'm from dancing around my bedroom to performing for big crowds
From "My Little Girl" to "Don would be so proud"
I'm from a million concerts and midnight IHOP
From love to be tickled but begging to stop
I'm from a backyard hammock and heart-to-hearts with mom
From Full House marathons to she's all grown up and gone
I'm from Christmastime in Branson, Channing Tatum, and Chinese
Iced coffee every morning and heart surgery
I'm from Crossroads, backroads, and bowling balls
I'm from GNOs and endless girl talk
I'm from train tracks, four-wheelers, and crazy summer nights
"I miss you", "I love you", and stupid little fights
I'm from a small town skate park and a late night swim
The sound of footsteps on a hardwood floor and a Southern Baptist hymn
I'm from crashing waves and toes in the sand
From sideline cheers and football stands
That sweet voice saying "I wanna be everything you want" or "it happens"
From playing ERS to taking "erasive" action
I'm from piano playing and "that's her style"
From dancing in the rain to beautiful smile
I'm from guitar picks and koala bears
From long fall nights and neon lit fairs
I'm from Faithweek, Choir Tour, and God's amazing grace
From Psalms Camp and Judgement House to being forever changed.



This poem describes my life thus far. It reminds me on bad days that I've been very blessed and there are a lot of good things to look back at.


Indeed! Much more than a simple iteration of life-to-date, this is a whirlwind of images, actions, and sensations, all of which make for an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing!

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