Where I Am From is Who I Am
I am from the suburbs I was raised in,
From Cleveland, and from Dallas.
I am from the hometown of both parents,
From Louisville, and from Toledo.
I am from my grandmother's house,
That was the symbol of my childhood,
For the first fourteen years of my lifetime.
I will never forget the two family home,
From the basement, the attic, the swing on the front porch;
From the deck in the backyard, with a grill in the abandoned corner.
I am from watching reruns of the old Disney channel shows,
From the 1990's, 2000's, all the way until 2011.
I am from the music my parents played,
From Kirk Franklin to the late Aaliyah.
I am from the African American culture and history,
Though I did not exist that far back,
Although they make me who I am today.
From the Civil Rights period, my favorite unit in U.S. History,
From my inspirations as a writer, including Tyler Perry and the late Maya Angelou.
I am from the Buckeye state of Ohio,
Where I always hear "no throwing snow" and "no eating snow."
I am from spending the holidays and celebrations at my grandma's house with all of my cousins, rather if we were just talking, bonding, or bickering.
I am from believing that my cousins are my best friends because I will always have them.
I am from the annual family reunions, Miles-Worthy,
In honor of my great grandmother, Biggie, from Alabama.
Soon our leaders cannot lead anymore family events,
My generation shall come together and lead the next.
I am from visiting my Kentucky family every now and again.
From the late great aunts Lucy and Pearl, who were true queens of God.
I am from the legacy that the elders on both parents' sides have left.