Where I am From
I am from fighting and late-night yelling
from “sorry, I’m leaving” and “I still love you”
from pain, sadness, and joy
from hardship, trials, and triumph
from hard work and perseverance
I am from late nights and early mornings
from busy schedules and high expectations
I am from dance studios
from pain, sweat, and tears
from blisters and bruises
from yelling and encouragements
from “only one more time, I promise”
from “you can do it” and “I can’t believe I did it”
from sore muscles and exhaustion
from joy and a sense of accomplishment
I am from endless doctors’ appointments
from just one more test
from maybe this doctor can help
from you will have this your whole life
from pain and lack of understanding
from “maybe today I will feel better”
from “I’m sorry, you can’t do it” and “I will do it”
I am from hardship and pain
I am from never giving up and triumph