When Will the Time Come?
When will the time come when we can look at each other without judging? There is so much going on that we do not see all of the important things being tucked away under the sheets. When will the time come when people can really love who they want? No one should be telling others who to be. Last time I checked everyone is in control of their own destiny. We say everyone is equal, but when will the time come when we are all considered people? Get out if you do not like the world in which you exist. We should be moving forward instead of bringing back the past no one wants to be living in. When will the time come when we can pull each other up and finally say enough is enough. Stop putting each other down like people do to dogs that can no longer stay in the pound. When will the time come when we can save each other, start building healthier relationships, appreciate, and praise each other? Change must happen, because one day the time will come when we can stand together and act together as one.