When will it end?
Nobody should have to go to school and worry if they will see their mommas face again. They shouldn’t have to worry, “is this a drill or am I going to die?”. They should be planning for prom and graduation, not planning for drills and vigils. Bullet proof glass, bullet proof vest, when we will see that the bullet is the problem? These children are in pain, their moms and dads are suffering, “why isn’t my little baby coming home?”. “Lonely, bullied, isolated” is all we hear, why not “demented, ill, psychopath”? Don’t say that name, they don’t deserve the fame. Say Luke Hoyer. Say Scott Biegel. Say Chris Hixon. Say Alaina Petty. Say Peter Wang. Carmen Schentrup. Alex Schatcher. Helena Ramsey. Alyssa Alhadeff. Martin Duque. Nicholas Dworet. Aaron Feis. Jamie Guttenberg. Cara Loughran. Gina Montalto. Joaquin Oliver. Say Meadow Pollack. Do I need to go on? When will I have to stop listing names? These are brothers and sisters and daughters and sons. They woke up to go to school not to be killed alongside their pupils. What will it take, do they need to be younger? How about Charlotte Bacon, 6. 6 years old, people. This little girl was waiting for Santa Claus to come and instead she met her afterlife. “Oh that was a long time ago”? “Things have changed”? Hana St. Juliana, Madisyn Baldwin, Tate Myre, Justin Shilling. Don’t you fucking understand? Nothing has changed. More lives are being taken, more lives are being shattered. Algebra, Art, division, health, “shhh no talking during a test”. When will that be enough? Anxiety, alarms, drills, hiding, “shhh stay quiet, he’s outside”. Breathe, breathe, breathe. We are tired of being told to breathe, we want action, we want to be heard. No bomb threats, no shooting threats. It’s not a trend. People are dying, CHILDREN are dying. I should be stressed about standardized tests, not if I will get shot next. Surviving highschool should be a joke, now it’s serious. We need to stand, we need to demand. These children, these educators, they need justice.