When (Italian-) Irish eyes are smiling....
the whole world smiles with - me?
Crazy thick, strawberry blonde "locks",
nervously flipping them with an old book and cup of tea,
an unexpected special moment of a smile with a stranger
that I could offer, and for myself feel,
just for being me.
"Stay present", they say,
"Just be" - me?
I try to breathe through stress,
try to remember that I have what it takes to get past it
just because I'm me.
"Get rid of the 'shoulds' ", I tell myself -
who determined that those apply to me?
Whatever my truth is,
it's enough just how He made me.
A strange Italian/Irish mix,
thick and strawberry blonde hair but a Roman nose,
eyes smiling because they just met a stranger's -
and just for that moment, theirs smiled back at me,
just because I'm me.