When I'm Sad

 When I was younger and I would cry, my mom would sing me a lullaby

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, my song of choice, always was sung by her melodic voice

When I entered grade school I started to learn, that you could be hurt by more than scrapes and burns

When the words of cruel girls got to my head, I would cuddle with my puppy in bed

As I grew up my feelings changed too, and I discovered heart break in the words "I don't still love you"

Surrounded by friends I rose from the pain, the laughter and good times made me feel sane

Sometimes life gets you down for no reason at all, that's when you need a good friend to call

My best friend Riley is always there when I call, the last time I got dumped we chucked our shoes at a wall

Though life has its ups and its down somethings stay the same, like the fact that sunshine always comes after the rain

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