When I Write..

Mon, 11/19/2012 - 16:30 -- mllenor


United States
35° 47' 41.7588" N, 119° 9' 44.3628" W

Why do I write?
It is not to find the truth about this world.
It is to shed light on this and my life,
when my mind and my heart are wandering the night,
lost in the dark.
I use these words when I can’t see that which is in front of me.
I use them as a candle
whenever I can’t handle life
and things aren’t going right.

So when you ask about why I write,
I want you to know that the reason why I write
is to bring life to that which is inside of me,
beneath the skin you see,
to relieve the burden I drag behind me
when it gets too heavy
and I can’t bear the anxiety
when I want to let it fall because
I can’t drag it at all…

so heed my call.

When you write be you,
release what you feel,
uncover what you conceal,
and most of all,
be real.


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