When I look inside
I see an anchor, when I close my eyes.
I see an anchor, transformed into a tree, spreading high
I see a soul, that lights the leaves to Life.
I see branches of divinity singing left and right…up and down, in and out, infiltrating beauty, throughout the Kingdom’s sky.
I see light in the darkness, and roses on thorns. I see wings in the shadows, and my heart’s open door.
I see streams of serenity filling the thirst, restoring the dryness to the season’s first birth.
I see a seed that grows inside the dirt, develops, and transforms…from a Source beyond and on earth.
The Kingdom of God is within her.
Her scars are seams.
She forever holds that rising ship to which she is anchored in heaven- her worth
Her source lives within her.
She is an anchor of Life…on the ground, in the sky, from INfinity she flies…
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10 years ago
Amazing! The kingdom of God is within her . That has alot of power. With God on the inside of you nothing can stop you, never forget that! You may have expereinced so much pain happiness and hurt, seen the darkness and felt the thorns but God will bring you into the light. Thats a promise.