What Writing [Poetry] Means to Me
When I shut my eyes tight letters flow; ink spilled from a bottle.
I am patient for I know words do not like to be coddled.
I let the letters connect, making words, words into sentences.
I give color to these words with heartfelt repentance.
I have always felt like a dictionary’s apprentice.
I am alive to learn.
I am alive to feel.
Sometimes words burn,
But I still heal.
I’ve been through experiences too rough to speak.
Instead I would write, like hide and go seek.
Seek the meaning; decipher the words.
Find me out! I just want to be heard.
When I write I find peace.
Hey, peace, it has been a while.
So long since I picked up a pencil.
Don’t worry; my poetry has been neatly filed.
I kept waiting for you to return,
When all I had to do,
Was yearn and yearn,
I didn’t have to feel blue to feel you.
I feel the rhymes absorb into me, through my pores and my skin.
It has been so long. I hug the words. They are my kin.
Thank you for giving me a reason to write,
Sometimes finding a reason is like finding a light.
My light had turned out, all I had was the night.
I hope to continue, this has been such fun.
I can’t believe I had forgotten poetry,
It’s as if I had shunned the sun.