What Time Is It?


United States
37° 44' 35.6712" N, 122° 29' 51.6048" W

I have a lack of consciousness but my brain wont sign the armistice. This war seems bottomless... WAKE UP! Struggling in my intro I stare out the window. The city of San Francisco. I'm getting tongue tied with this lingo. My attentiveness is in limbo. Anyone have a pillow? If only narcolepsy could be voluntary... My capability to write with assertiveness is arbitrary. At least I never have a lack of commentary. Mumbling and stumbling over my speech through these words I must breach...but I am afraid I can't reach. This is so absurd my mind is so blurred every utterance slurred. I contemplate. How can I compensate? UGH! My head heavy like concrete, still this poem I must complete so I can finally retreat to my seat. Eh I'll still count it as a feat. I HESITATE. What is the next line? Each phrase intertwine. Come up with it quick! Dementia, I might need a walking stick. Naw, that wasn't it; the last few lines please omit. Im on a self-fulfilling prophecy to become a speech prodigy. Problem is I don't believe in myself whole heartedly... I'm just a wannabe. I have a yearning to go back to bed. I think I misread... Can I just go home instead? I’m praying you say "go ahead!" Any chance of that?...not a shred. This is all that invades my head. Lost my concentration... maybe it never existed in this insignificant proclamation. If that is your perception I don't want justification. All this inter-cranial tension. I beg for liberation from this situation! I think I might have a neurological affliction. I struggle with my diction, battling with each constriction. My mind is full of contradiction. I feel confined to my daily grind and all the walls I hide behind. Sometimes I can be so blind, yet this world can seem so unkind. But what am I saying, I'm not in the right state of mind... my motivation undefined. I look out at each face. With all this space, my poem I misplaced. I'm on a word chase; relying on my knowledge base. Each step I retrace, trying to find everything displaced. It it is almost summer... I stutter. Drifting in and out of a slumber. I hear someone mutter "what a blunder." WAIT! I can make this great! But not at this rate...for every line I misstate to the point where someone should translate. This poem I should recreate... if only you could feel my heart rate; I'm beyond an anxious state. I rack my brain, engaging strain. All I seem to attain is mundane. It is like someone cut off my jugular vein. This poem was supposed to be insane! Missed that chance... thought it would be easy at first glance. *DEEEP BREATH* Inhalation of inspiration! Expiration of that rumination... Now comes frustration... Maybe it’s just a lack of preparation? Now that’s a realization. Hopefully that doesn't result in my damnation. In this class, I feel like Im gazing into a looking glass. I might not like what I see pass. Then there are my professors, and all of them are academic projectors, that want us to be educational successors. My hands start to quake... come on give me a break! I'm not even awake! Try again; let's make this a piece of cake. But the words on the page are opaque. This is all my mistake. RETAKE. This over-stress has created a mess. I must confess these lyrics are worthless! Nevertheless... This poem is intolerable and dishonorable. My flow is inoperable. Guess I couldn't execute... I'm in need of a parachute. I wrote like six versions and they are each burdens. All of which I dismiss. But why this? SET BACK. I got sick of each failed effort, hell I am no poem expert! So why try? I wont comply. Recollect my thoughts that drift, call it my philanthropic gift. still half-witted, which isn't permitted... I know this poem is undesirable. That is undeniable. Some rhymes are viable, so I'm not completely unreliable. RECAP. What can you expect at this time in the morning? You’re lucky I'm not snoring! It's eight o'clock in the fucking morning! It's too early...



WOW! I am in awe!

Mikela Barulich

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WOW! I am in awe!

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