What to take?

What to take, what to take?

Perhaps a friend would be good,

But maybe not, I know maybe food?!

It could spoil...then again Chipotle would be nice

However, Im more of an asian food fanatic so ill go with fried rice.


Hold on fam im just hungry.

A boat would get me off this bloody island

What if it sinks? Ill be eaten by sea creatures!

Surely ill be in the middle of Iceland

What if im not? Ill starve and get nasty features

I cant take my Iphone theres no wifi where ill be!

Sweet Jesus! I could just bring a Costco their orange chicken is the bomb!

Nah ill get fat maybe ill just go ahead and bring green tea

But wait ill bbe on an island not my senior prom...

What to take, what to take? 

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