What is Sought
What is Sought
Why do we keep running?
What wheel do we spin?
A race in chase of nothing
That none shall ever win.
A life filled with fraught
As we await the end
“Where to find what is sought?”
We ask as we approach the end.
Is it wealth that bring us joy?
Will riches save with virtuous ploy?
Or is coin as horse to Troy,
Illusion that with our hearts do toy,
Eroding our freedom all for nought.
Wicked things make wicked men
Gripping them from gentle stem,
Uprooting slowly, unknown to them
And find not what they sought.
Will another’s love save us still?
Reviving our lost and misplaced will?
Love sings, like a songbird on the sill
So close, yet far, to us it kills,
Raising our hopes all for nought.
For we are islands all alone
Our flaws all etched in ‘mortal stone
For only us to be all known
So find not what we sought.
“Love can save us yet,” you say?
That its sweet warmth can calm the fray.
But Love is a game for dangerous play
Bliss for some but many betray
Luring us close with little thought.
However Love may sooth our soul
Like jagged edges of vibrant atoll
For fall too far it takes its toll
But some find what they sought.
Another soul won’t fuel your flame
Cannot quell your internal strain
But only quietly still will maim
For only self can truly tame
Our thirst for what is taught.
Contentment be the gilded key
And from ourselves we will be freed
Gifted by us eternally
So find now what we sought?