What Makes Me a Girl
What Makes Me a Girl
By: Lindsay Campbell
When the night blankets the sky, I lay in bed I overthink everything; thoughts bounce inside my head like a pinball machine.
My spirit resides in my phone, as I glimpse into my life and other’s in a different viewpoint.
My checks have been overwhelmed with smiles, yet they have felt the presence of thick tears.
No how many times I tell myself I deserve someone better, my heart still yearns for the person who I know is not good for me.
I’m in love with the idea of love.
I smile when I see people genuinely laugh, exploding into loud sounds of guffaws.
I have convinced myself that I don’t care what other people think, but buried deep inside my heart knows the truth.
I refuse to tell people how I feel, but spend hours showing my iPod songs that explain how I do feel.
I yearn for compliments, yet blush of embarrassment when I receive them.
I lose way too many battles with myself. But I always win the war.
I say “I’m fine” more times I can count, whether it’s the truth or not.
Sometimes I’m too emotional, and I beat myself up for that.
My brightest smile is when I haven’t seen the mirror in days.
All of this is what makes me a girl.