What is love?

What is love?

A dazzling emotion of complex wanting and lust?

A lie told to little girls by cinematography that one day their true happiness is to be found in the comfort of a man?


Why do we long for it so?

To be loved and craved as we crave for them

To satisfy our primal instincts with mixed ideas of a burning desire called lust for passion

To seek comfort in a figure who only dares to plant his seed within you before moving on


Do not be fooled by his meticulous ways my friend

Do not stare into his eyes, seeing a glint of light and convince yourself it is his soul connecting with yours

For it is not


He is merely envisioning his dark fantasy upon you

Like a hunter inflicting pain on its prey

Luring you into a trap only to desert you

Leaving you with an unforgettable feeling of sadness and longing

Of foolishness and despair


For you have fallen into a trap

Like so many before you

And you are left in your struggle

Drowning in your sorrow

Feeling a welding pain in your heart letting you feel as though it is broken in its entirety


Hope is lost


For you have given everything you once found sacred and virtuous

To a stranger you thought you knew only to feel it

But instead you are left with regret


What is love you ask

Why shan't it come for me

Why am I not to see the true beauty of what the heart desires?

And it is for the reason that the heart desires nothing


Love is an illusion painted with beautiful words, beautiful ideas, beautiful fantasies

As though it were painted by the stroke of an artists brush, to perfection

So that we cannot see its flaws until we in enraptured

Until the oil in the canvas has faded away...


That is love

And it shall never change

What is love you ask?

It is what will bring you shame.


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