What is light?
What is good luck without there being bad luck?
How can we see a rainbow without the cloud-darkened sky?
How could the stars shine like diamonds without the blanket of night?
What would fireflies look like under a blinding white sheen?
Or a movie in a theatre in the same way?
Would roses be so beautiful if there were no other plant?
Or butterflies if there were no other insect?
Would springtime be so sweet if not preceded by winter?
Or winter holidays so soothing if they happened every day?
What if the sky was always a sunrise? Or sunset? What is its value then?
What is success without failure?
What is money without first being without it?
What is sweetness without tasting the bitter?
What is climbing a mountain without starting in a valley?
What is a cure without a disease?
What is music without former cacophony? Or plain silence?
What are kind words without silence? Or hurtful ones?
What is persistent survival without almost dying?
What is life without looking death in the eyes?
How would we know what light is without dark?
How would we know the good could be so wonderful?
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: